You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

720 lines
21 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-13 06:09+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.1\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Entered %s=exec /path/to/script does not contain a path to script"
msgstr "Введенное значение %s=exec /путь/к/скрипту не содержит путь к скрипту"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"%s=exec* can have only one agrument — path to script, example: %s=exec /path/"
msgstr ""
"У %s=exec* может быть только один аргумент — путь к скрипту, например: "
"%s=exec /путь/к/скрипту"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Script %s is not executable"
msgstr "Скрипт %s не является выполняемым"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Possible values of %s are: %s"
msgstr "Возможны следующие значения %s: %s"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Error creating directory %s"
msgstr "Ошибка создания каталога %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Error copying systemd override file %s to %s"
msgstr "Ошибка копирования файла дополнительных настроек systemd %s в %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Systemd unit file auditd.service with setted up packet filtering has not "
"passed verification!"
msgstr ""
"Файл унита systemd auditd.service с настроенной фильтрацией сетевого трафика "
"не прошел проверку на правильность синтаксиса!"
#: ../ ../
msgid "The error was:"
msgstr "Ошибка была следующей:"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Directory %s does not exist"
msgstr "Каталог %s не существует"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Value of %s must be %s or %s"
msgstr "Значением %s должно быть %s или %s"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Parameter %s makes sense only when %s"
msgstr "Параметр %s имеет смысл только когда %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"File %s does not exist or is not executable, so %s cannot be set as a "
"dispatcher executable"
msgstr ""
"Файл %s не существует или не является исполняемым, поэтому %s не может быть "
"установлен в качестве диспатчера аудита"
#: ../ ../
msgid "%s requires %s to be configured"
msgstr "Для %s должен быть настроен %s"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "%s must be an integer between %s and %s"
msgstr "%s должно быть целым числом от %s до %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Errors occured when trying to understand how to configure auditd"
msgstr "Невозможно понять, как настроить auditd, возникли ошибки"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Error writing auditd config file %s"
msgstr "Ошибка записи файла настроек auditd %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Reboot to apply changes to auditd config"
msgstr "Перезагрузите систему, чтобы настройки auditd вступили в силу"
#: ../ ../
#: ../
msgid "Unable to parse /etc/security/pwquality.conf correctly; execute \\n%s"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "The received parameters are not correct. Expected %s, received %s"
msgstr "полученные параметры неправильны. Ожидалось %s, а получено %s"
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "0 or 1"
msgstr "0 или 1"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Argument to %s must be a number"
msgstr "Значением %s должно быть число"
#: ../ ../
#, fuzzy
msgid "Argument to %s must be greater than %s"
msgstr "Значение %s должно быть больше значения %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Argument to %s must be a string without spaces"
msgstr "Значение %s должно быть строкой без пробелов"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Value of %s is empty, set yes or no"
msgstr "Значение %s пусто, задайте yes или no"
#: ../ ../
msgid "String %s is not a boolean, set yes or no"
msgstr "Строка %s не является булеановым значением, задайте yes или no"
#: ../ ../
msgid "Value of %s must be a non-negative number"
msgstr "Значение %s должно быть целым числом больше нуля"
#: ../ ../
msgid "%s is not a correct email"
msgstr "%s не является валидным адресом электропочты"
#: ../
msgid "This is generator of auditd config"
msgstr "Это генератор конфига auditd"
#: ../
msgid "Run as: %s [--parameter value] [--parameter value]"
msgstr "Запускайте его так: %s [--параметр значение] [--параметр значение]"
#: ../
msgid "Supported parameters of auditd and their default values are:"
msgstr "Поддерживаемые параметров auditd и их значения по умолчанию таковы:"
#: ../ ../
#: ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Unable to write to file %s"
msgstr "Невозможно записать в файл %s"
#: ../
msgid "No arguments specified"
msgstr "Не передано никаких аргументов"
#: ../
msgid "Usage: #NAME# --[OPTIONS...]"
msgstr "Использование: #NAME# --[OPTIONS...]"
#: ../
msgid " example: #NAME# --difok 6"
msgstr " пример: #NAME# --difok 6"
#: ../
msgid " example: #NAME# d 6"
msgstr " пример: #NAME# d 6"
#: ../
msgid ""
"#NAME# allows you to manage the file configuration for pwquality in the cli "
"option. A GUI version is also available: #NAME2#"
msgstr ""
"#NAME# позволяет управлять конфигом pwquality через cli. Также доступна "
"гарфическая версия: #NAME2#"
#: ../
msgid " Options:"
msgstr " Параметры:"
#: ../
msgid ""
" d, difok Number of characters in the new password that must "
"not be present in the old password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid " m, minlen Minimum acceptable size for the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" dc, dcredit The maximum credit for having digits in the new "
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" uc, ucredit The maximum credit for having uppercase characters "
"in the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" lc, lcredit The maximum credit for having lowercase characters "
"in the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" oc, ocredit The maximum credit for having other characters in "
"the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" minclass The minimum number of required classes of "
"characters for the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" maxrepeat The maximum number of allowed same consecutive "
"characters in the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" maxsequence The maximum length of monotonic character "
"sequences in the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" maxclassrepeat The maximum number of allowed consecutive "
"characters of the same class in the new password"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" geco, gecoscheck Check whether the words longer than 3 characters "
"from the GECOS field of the user's passwd(5) entry are contained in the new "
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" dictcheck Check whether the password (with possible "
"modifications) matches a word in a dictionary"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" usercheck Check whether the password (with possible "
"modifications) contains the user name in some form"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" usersubstr Check whether the password contains a substring of "
"at least N length in some form"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" enforcing Reject the password if it fails the checks, "
"otherwise only print the warning"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" retry Prompt user at most N times before returning with "
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" enforce_for_root The module will return error on failed check even "
"if the user changing the password is root"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid ""
" local_users_only The module will not test the password quality for "
"users that are not present in the /etc/passwd file"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Unable to set variable %s"
msgstr "Невозможно установить переменную %s"
#: ../ ../
msgid "linux-infosec-setupper"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Password policies setup</span>"
msgstr ""
"<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Настройка политики сложности паролей</"
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "Load defaults!view-refresh:3"
msgstr "Сбросить настройки!view-refresh:3"
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "yad-save:0"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../ ../
msgid "yad-close:1"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Number of characters in the new password that must not be present in the old "
msgstr ""
"Количество символов из нового пароля, которых не должно быть в старом "
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (difok)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Minimum acceptable size for the new password::LBL"
msgstr "Минимальный допустимый размер нового пароля::LBL"
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (minlen)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "The maximum credit for having digits in the new password::LBL"
msgstr "Максималньый кредит на цифры в новом пароле::LBL"
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (dcredit)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The maximum credit for having uppercase characters in the new password::LBL"
msgstr "Максимальный кредит на заглавные буквы в новом пароле::LBL"
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (ucredit)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The maximum credit for having lowercase characters in the new password::LBL"
msgstr "Максимальный кредит на строчные буквы в новом пароле::LBL"
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (lcredit)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "The maximum credit for having other characters in the new password::LBL"
msgstr "Максимальный кредит на остальные символы в новом пароле::LBL"
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (ocredit)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The minimum number of required classes of characters for the new password::"
msgstr "Минимальное необходимое кол-во типов символов в новом пароле::LBL"
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (minclass)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The maximum number of allowed same consecutive charatcers in the new "
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (maxrepeat)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The maximum length of monotonic chatacter sequences in the new password::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (maxsequence)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"The maximum number of allowed consecutive characters of the same class in "
"the new password::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (maxclassrepeat)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Check whether the password contains a substring of at least N length::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (usersubstr)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Prompt the user at most N times before returning error::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "${_tag1}Value (retry)${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Check whether the words longer than 3 characters from the GECO field of "
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Status (gecoscheck):CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Check whether the password macthices a word in a dictionary::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Status (dictcheck):CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Check whether the password contains the user name in some form::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Status (usercheck):CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Reject the password if it fails the checks::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Status (enforcing):CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Return error on failed check even if the user changing the password is root::"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Status (enforce_for_root):CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid ""
"Not test the password quality for users that are not present in /etc/passwd::"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Status (local_users_only):CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "Unable to read file %s"
msgstr "Невозможно прочитать файл %s"
#: ../
msgid "<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Audit daemon settings</span>"
msgstr ""
"<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Настройка аудита</"
#: ../
msgid "Local events::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "(Status) Local events:CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Log file::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Log file${_tag2}:SFL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Write logs::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "(Status) Write logs:CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Log format::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Log format${_tag2}:CB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Log group::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Log group${_tag2}"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Priority boost::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Priority boost${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Flush::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "(Value) Flush:CB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Freq::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Freq${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Max log fileaction::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Max log fileaction${_tag2}:CB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Num logs::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Num logs${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Disp Qos::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Disp Qos${_tag2}:CB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Dispatcher::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) dispatcher${_tag2}:SFL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Distribute network::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "(Status) Distribute network:CHK"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Name format::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Name format${_tag2}:CB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Name::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Name${_tag2}"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Max log file::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Max log file${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Action Mail Acct::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Action Mail Acct${_tag2}:"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Space left::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Space left${_tag2}:NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Space left action::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Space left action${_tag2}:CBE"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Disk full action::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Disk full action${_tag2}:CBE"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Disk error action::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(String) Disk error action${_tag2}:CBE"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Network server</span>"
msgstr ""
"<span size='xx-large' weight='bold'>Сетевой сервер</"
#: ../
msgid "Tcp listen port::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Tcp listen port${_tag2}::NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Tcp max per addr::LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Tcp max per addr${_tag2}::NUM"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Systemd firewalling params:LBL"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Allowed IPs${_tag2}::TXT"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "${_tag1}(Value) Denied IPs${_tag2}::TXT"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Audit"
msgstr "Аудит"
#: ../
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Сетевой сервер"
#: ../
msgid "Unable to parse %s correctly; execute \\n%s"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Check whether the password matches a word in a dictionary::LBL"
msgstr ""