Rework front audit gui

Артемий 3 years ago
parent 79d3f3a88b
commit f1cfc301ad

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
difok = 99
minlen = 7
difok = 1
minlen = 6
dcredit = 0
ucredit = 0
lcredit = 0
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ maxsequence = 0
maxclassrepeat = 0
gecoscheck = FALSE
dictcheck = 1
usercheck = 0
usercheck = 1
usersubstr = 0
enforcing = 1
retry = 1

@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ _audit_variables(){
systemd_allowed_ip_list="1 1"
systemd_denied_ip_list="2 2"

@ -16,26 +16,29 @@ if ! [ -f "${VAR_DIR_AUDIT}/}" ]; then
_mk_auditd_config || { error $"Unable to read file %s" "${VAR_DIR_AUDIT}/"; exit 1; }
_source_conf() {
source "${VAR_DIR_AUDIT}/" || exit 1
# For yad checkboxes, the words TRUE or FALSE are required.
# We change the following parameters no to FALSE and yes to TRUE
_yad_declare() {
for i in local_events write_logs distribute_network; do
# The variables have the same name as the lines in the config
eval 'if [[ $'$i' == "yes" ]]; then declare $i=TRUE; else declare $i=FALSE; fi' || { error $"Unable to set variable %s" "$i"; exit 1; }
_tag1="<span weight='bold'>"
_NUMBER="$(( ${RANDOM:0:4} * 13 ))"
umask 0077
_temp_file1="$(mktemp front_audit1.XXXXXXXX)"
_temp_file2="$(mktemp front_audit2.XXXXXXXX)"
umask "$_umask"
_rm_temp() {
rm -f "$_temp_file1" "$_temp_file2"
exit 0
trap _rm_temp EXIT
_yad() {
yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=1 --form \
--text-align=center \
--bool-fmt=T \
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=1 --form \
--field=$"Local events::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"(Status) Local events:CHK" "${local_events:-FALSE}" \
--field=$"Log file::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Log file${_tag2}" "${log_file:--}" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Log file${_tag2}:SFL" "${log_file}" \
--field=$"Write logs::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"(Status) Write logs:CHK" "${write_logs:-FALSE}" \
--field=$"Log format::LBL" "!" \
@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=1 --form \
--field=$"Priority boost::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Priority boost${_tag2}:NUM" "${priority_boost:-0}!" \
--field=$"Flush::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"(Value) Flush:CHK" "$(if [ -n "$flush" ]; then echo "none!incremental!incremental_async!data!sync!" | sed "s/$flush\!/\^$flush\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "none!incremental!incremental_async!data!sync"; fi)" \
--field=$"(Value) Flush:CB" "$(if [ -n "$flush" ]; then echo "none!incremental!incremental_async!data!sync!" | sed "s/$flush\!/\^$flush\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "none!incremental!incremental_async!data!sync"; fi)" \
--field=$"Freq::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Freq${_tag2}:NUM" "${freq:-0}!" \
--field=$"Max log fileaction::LBL" "!" \
@ -65,17 +68,17 @@ yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=1 --form \
--field=$"Disp Qos::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Disp Qos${_tag2}:CB" "$(if [ -n "$disp_qos" ]; then echo "lossy!lossless!" | sed "s/$disp_qos\!/\^$disp_qos\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "lossy!lossless"; fi)" \
--field=$"Dispatcher::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) dispatcher${_tag2}" "${dispatcher}" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) dispatcher${_tag2}:SFL" "${dispatcher}" \
--field=$"Distribute network::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"(Status) Distribute network:CHK" "${distribute_network:-FALSE}" \
--field=$"Name format::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Name format${_tag2}:CB" "$(if [ -n "$name_format" ]; then echo "none!hostname!fqd!numeric!user!" | sed "s/$name_format\!/\^$name_format\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "none!hostname!fqd!numeric!user"; fi)" \
--field=$"Name::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Name${_tag2}" "${name:--}" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Name${_tag2}" "${name}" \
--field=$"Max log file::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Max log file${_tag2}:NUM" "${max_log_file:-0}!" \
--field=$"Action Mail Acct::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Action Mail Acct${_tag2}:" "${action_mail_acct:--}" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Action Mail Acct${_tag2}:" "${action_mail_acct}" \
--field=$"Space left::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Space left${_tag2}:NUM" "${space_left:-0}!" \
--field=$"Space left action::LBL" "!" \
@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=1 --form \
--field=$"Disk full action::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Disk full action${_tag2}:CBE" "$(if [ -n "$disk_full_action" ]; then echo "ignore!syslog!rotate!email!suspend!single!halt!exec!" | sed "s/$disk_full_action\!/\^$disk_full_action\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "ignore!syslog!rotate!email!suspend!single!halt!exec"; fi)" \
--field=$"Disk error action::LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Disk error action${_tag2}:CBE" "$(if [ -n "$disk_error_action" ]; then echo "ignore!syslog!rotate!email!suspend!single!halt!exec!" | sed "s/$disk_error_action\!/\^$disk_error_action\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "ignore!syslog!rotate!email!suspend!single!halt!exec"; fi)" &
--field=$"${_tag1}(String) Disk error action${_tag2}:CBE" "$(if [ -n "$disk_error_action" ]; then echo "ignore!syslog!rotate!email!suspend!single!halt!exec!" | sed "s/$disk_error_action\!/\^$disk_error_action\!/g;s/\!\$//"; else echo "ignore!syslog!rotate!email!suspend!single!halt!exec"; fi)" &>"$_temp_file1" &
yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=2 --form \
--text-align=center \
@ -97,26 +100,24 @@ yad --plug=$_NUMBER --tabnum=2 --form \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Tcp max per addr${_tag2}::NUM" "${tcp_max_per_addr_port:-1}!1..65535!1" \
--field=$"Systemd firewalling params:LBL" "!" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Allowed IPs${_tag2}::TXT" "$(echo -e "${systemd_allowed_ip_list// /\\n}")" \
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Denied IPs${_tag2}::TXT" "$(echo -e "${systemd_denied_ip_list// /\\n}")" &
--field=$"${_tag1}(Value) Denied IPs${_tag2}::TXT" "$(echo -e "${systemd_denied_ip_list// /\\n}")" &>"$_temp_file2" &
var="$(yad --key=$_NUMBER --notebook --stack --expand --tab=$"Audit" --tab=$"Network" \
yad --key=$_NUMBER --notebook --stack --expand --tab=$"Audit" --tab=$"Network" \
--width=800 \
--height=800 \
--title=$"linux-infosec-setupper" \
--button=$"Load defaults!view-refresh:3" --button=$"yad-save:0" --button=$"yad-close:1")"
--button=$"Load defaults!view-refresh:3" --button=$"yad-save:0" --button=$"yad-close:1"
# If we clicked on the "Load default" button, we decided to restore the settings.
# The exit code after clicking on this button is 3. We restore the config if we clicked on this button
if [ "$_status" == 3 ]; then
_mk_auditd_config || { error $"Unable to read file %s" "${VAR_DIR_AUDIT}/"; exit 1; }
# If we decide to undo the changes and not change anything, the var variable will be empty.
[ -z "$var" ] && exit 0
@ -124,26 +125,33 @@ fi
var2="$(while read -rd '|' line; do
echo $line
done <<<"$var" | sed '/^$/d' | \
sed 's/TRUE/1/
;1s/^/--difok /
;2s/^/--minlen /
;3s/^/--dcredit /
;4s/^/--ucredit /
;5s/^/--lcredit /
;6s/^/--ocredit /
;7s/^/--minclass /
;8s/^/--maxrepeat /
;9s/^/--maxsequence /
;10s/^/--maxclassrepeat /
;11s/^/--usersubstr /
;12s/^/--retry /
;13s/^/--gecoscheck /
;14s/^/--dictcheck /
;15s/^/--usercheck /
;16s/^/--enforcing /
;17s/^/--enforce_for_root /
;18s/^/--local_users_only /' | tr '\n' ' ')"
_mk_pwquality_conf $var2 > "${DESTDIR}/etc/security/pwquality.conf" || { error $"Unable to write to file %s" "${DESTDIR}/etc/security/pwquality.conf"; exit 1; }
sed 's/TRUE/yes/
;1s/^/--local-events /
;2s/^/--log_file /
;3s/^/--write_logs /
;4s/^/--log_format /
;5s/^/--log_group /
;6s/^/--priority_boost /
;7s/^/--flush /
;8s/^/--freq /
;9s/^/--max_log_fileaction /
;10s/^/--num_logs /
;11s/^/--disp_qos /
;12s/^/--dispatcher /
;13s/^/--distribute_network /
;14s/^/--name_format /
;15s/^/--name /
;16s/^/--max_log_file /
;17s/^/--action_mail_acct /
;18s/^/--space_left /
;19s/^/--space_left_action /
;20s/^/--disk_full_action /
;21s/^/--disk_error_action /
;22s/^/--tcp_listen_port /
;23s/^/--tcp_max_per_addr /
;24s/^/--systemd_allowed_ip_list /
;25s/^/--systemd_denied_ip_list /' | tr '\n' ' ')"
set -e
_mk_auditd_config $var2 || { error $"Unable to write to file %s" "${VAR_DIR_AUDIT}/"; exit 1; }
_write_auditd_config || { error $"Unable to write to file %s" "${VAR_DIR_AUDIT}/"; exit 1; }
