from __future__ import unicode_literals from .common import PostProcessor from ..utils import PostProcessingError import subprocess import shlex class ExecAfterDownloadPP(PostProcessor): def __init__(self, downloader=None, verboseOutput=None, commandString=None): self.verboseOutput = verboseOutput self.commandString = commandString def run(self, information): self.targetFile = information['filepath'].replace('\'', '\'\\\'\'') # Replace single quotes with '\'' self.commandList = shlex.split(self.commandString) self.commandString = '' # Replace all instances of '{}' with the file name and convert argument list to single string. for index, arg in enumerate(self.commandList): if(arg == '{}'): self.commandString += '\'' + self.targetFile + '\' ' else: self.commandString += arg + ' ' if self.targetFile not in self.commandString: # Assume user wants the file appended to the end of the command if no {}'s were given. self.commandString += '\'' + self.targetFile + '\'' print("[exec] Executing command: " + self.commandString) self.retCode =, shell=True) if(self.retCode < 0): print("[exec] WARNING: Command exited with a negative return code, the process was killed externally. Your command may not of completed succesfully!") elif(self.verboseOutput): print("[exec] Command exited with return code: " + str(self.retCode)) return None, information # by default, keep file and do nothing class PostProcessingExecError(PostProcessingError): pass