You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
1.8 KiB

print ". /etc/config/network"
print "proto=\"$wan_proto\""
print "[ -z \"$proto\" -o \"$proto\" = \"none\" ] && exit"
print "ifname=\"$wan_ifname\""
print "[ -z \"$ifname\" ] && exit"
print ""
print "iptables -X input_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
print "iptables -N input_$ifname"
print "iptables -X forward_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
print "iptables -N forward_$ifname"
print "iptables -t nat -X prerouting_$ifname 2>&- >&-"
print "iptables -t nat -N prerouting_$ifname"
print ""
print "iptables -A input_rule -i \"$ifname\" -j input_$ifname"
print "iptables -A forwarding_rule -i \"$ifname\" -j forward_$ifname"
print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i \"$ifname\" -j prerouting_$ifname"
print ""
($1 == "accept") || ($1 == "drop") || ($1 == "forward") {
delete _opt
if ((_l["proto"] == "") && (_l["sport"] _l["dport"] != "")) {
_opt[0] = " -p tcp"
_opt[1] = " -p udp"
} else {
_opt[0] = ""
($1 == "accept") {
target = " -j ACCEPT"
for (o in _opt) {
print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_$ifname" _opt[o] str2ipt($2) target
print "iptables -A input_$ifname " _opt[o] str2ipt($2) target
print ""
($1 == "drop") {
for (o in _opt) {
print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_$ifname" _opt[o] str2ipt($2) " -j DROP"
print ""
($1 == "forward") {
target = " -j DNAT --to " $3
fwopts = ""
if ($4 != "") {
if ((_l["proto"] == "tcp") || (_l["proto"] == "udp") || (_l["proto"] == "")) {
if (_l["proto"] != "") fwopts = " -p " _l["proto"]
fwopts = fwopts " --dport " $4
target = target ":" $4
else fwopts = ""
for (o in _opt) {
print "iptables -t nat -A prerouting_$ifname" _opt[o] str2ipt($2) target
print "iptables -A forward_$ifname " _opt[o] " -d " $3 fwopts " -j ACCEPT"
print ""