You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

258 lines
6.9 KiB

[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
. /lib/
. ../
init_proto "$@"
proto_qmi_init_config() {
proto_config_add_string "device:device"
proto_config_add_string apn
proto_config_add_string auth
proto_config_add_string username
proto_config_add_string password
proto_config_add_string pincode
proto_config_add_int delay
proto_config_add_string modes
proto_config_add_string pdptype
proto_config_add_int profile
proto_config_add_boolean dhcpv6
proto_config_add_boolean autoconnect
proto_qmi_setup() {
local interface="$1"
local device apn auth username password pincode delay modes pdptype profile dhcpv6 autoconnect $PROTO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
local cid_4 pdh_4 cid_6 pdh_6
local ip_6 ip_prefix_length gateway_6 dns1_6 dns2_6
json_get_vars device apn auth username password pincode delay modes pdptype profile dhcpv6 autoconnect $PROTO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
[ "$metric" = "" ] && metric="0"
[ -n "$ctl_device" ] && device=$ctl_device
[ -n "$device" ] || {
echo "No control device specified"
proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_DEVICE
proto_set_available "$interface" 0
return 1
[ -c "$device" ] || {
echo "The specified control device does not exist"
proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_DEVICE
proto_set_available "$interface" 0
return 1
devname="$(basename "$device")"
devpath="$(readlink -f /sys/class/usbmisc/$devname/device/)"
ifname="$( ls "$devpath"/net )"
[ -n "$ifname" ] || {
echo "The interface could not be found."
proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_IFACE
proto_set_available "$interface" 0
return 1
[ -n "$delay" ] && sleep "$delay"
while uqmi -s -d "$device" --get-pin-status | grep '"UIM uninitialized"' > /dev/null; do
sleep 1;
[ -n "$pincode" ] && {
uqmi -s -d "$device" --verify-pin1 "$pincode" || {
echo "Unable to verify PIN"
proto_notify_error "$interface" PIN_FAILED
proto_block_restart "$interface"
return 1
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-data-format 802.3
uqmi -s -d "$device" --wda-set-data-format 802.3
echo "Waiting for network registration"
while uqmi -s -d "$device" --get-serving-system | grep '"searching"' > /dev/null; do
sleep 5;
[ -n "$modes" ] && uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-network-modes "$modes"
echo "Starting network $interface"
pdptype=`echo "$pdptype" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'`
[ "$pdptype" = "ip" -o "$pdptype" = "ipv6" -o "$pdptype" = "ipv4v6" ] || pdptype="ip"
if [ "$pdptype" = "ip" ]; then
[ -z "$autoconnect" ] && autoconnect=1
[ "$autoconnect" = 0 ] && autoconnect=""
[ "$autoconnect" = 1 ] || autoconnect=""
[ "$pdptype" = "ip" -o "$pdptype" = "ipv4v6" ] && {
cid_4=`uqmi -s -d "$device" --get-client-id wds`
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Unable to obtain client ID"
proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_CID
return 1
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_4" --set-ip-family ipv4 > /dev/null
# try to clear previous autoconnect state
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_4" \
--stop-network 0xffffffff \
--autoconnect > /dev/null
pdh_4=`uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_4" \
--start-network \
${apn:+--apn $apn} \
${profile:+--profile $profile} \
${auth:+--auth-type $auth} \
${username:+--username $username} \
${password:+--password $password} \
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Unable to connect IPv4"
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_4" --release-client-id wds
proto_notify_error "$interface" CALL_FAILED
return 1
[ "$pdptype" = "ipv6" -o "$pdptype" = "ipv4v6" ] && {
cid_6=`uqmi -s -d "$device" --get-client-id wds`
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Unable to obtain client ID"
proto_notify_error "$interface" NO_CID
return 1
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_6" --set-ip-family ipv6 > /dev/null
# try to clear previous autoconnect state
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_6" \
--stop-network 0xffffffff \
--autoconnect > /dev/null
pdh_6=`uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_6" \
--start-network \
${apn:+--apn $apn} \
${profile:+--profile $profile} \
${auth:+--auth-type $auth} \
${username:+--username $username} \
${password:+--password $password} \
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Unable to connect IPv6"
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid_6" --release-client-id wds
proto_notify_error "$interface" CALL_FAILED
return 1
echo "Setting up $ifname"
proto_init_update "$ifname" 1
proto_set_keep 1
[ -n "$pdh_4" ] && {
json_add_string "cid_4" "$cid_4"
json_add_string "pdh_4" "$pdh_4"
[ -n "$pdh_6" ] && {
json_add_string "cid_6" "$cid_6"
json_add_string "pdh_6" "$pdh_6"
proto_send_update "$interface"
[ -n "$pdh_6" ] && {
if [ -z "$dhcpv6" -o "$dhcpv6" = 0 ]; then
json_load "$(uqmi -s -d $device --set-client-id wds,$cid_6 --get-current-settings)"
json_select ipv6
json_get_var ip_6 ip
json_get_var gateway_6 gateway
json_get_var dns1_6 dns1
json_get_var dns2_6 dns2
json_get_var ip_prefix_length ip-prefix-length
proto_init_update "$ifname" 1
proto_set_keep 1
proto_add_ipv6_address "$ip_6" "128"
proto_add_ipv6_prefix "${ip_6}/${ip_prefix_length}"
proto_add_ipv6_route "$gateway_6" "128"
[ "$defaultroute" = 0 ] || proto_add_ipv6_route "::0" 0 "$gateway_6" "" "" "${ip_6}/${ip_prefix_length}"
[ "$peerdns" = 0 ] || {
proto_add_dns_server "$dns1_6"
proto_add_dns_server "$dns2_6"
proto_send_update "$interface"
json_add_string name "${interface}_6"
json_add_string ifname "@$interface"
json_add_string proto "dhcpv6"
# RFC 7278: Extend an IPv6 /64 Prefix to LAN
json_add_string extendprefix 1
ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
[ -n "$pdh_4" ] && {
json_add_string name "${interface}_4"
json_add_string ifname "@$interface"
json_add_string proto "dhcp"
ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
qmi_wds_stop() {
local cid="$1"
local pdh="$2"
[ -n "$cid" ] || return
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid" \
--stop-network 0xffffffff \
--autoconnect > /dev/null
[ -n "$pdh" ] && uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid" --stop-network "$pdh"
uqmi -s -d "$device" --set-client-id wds,"$cid" --release-client-id wds
proto_qmi_teardown() {
local interface="$1"
local device cid_4 pdh_4 cid_6 pdh_6
json_get_vars device
[ -n "$ctl_device" ] && device=$ctl_device
echo "Stopping network $interface"
json_load "$(ubus call network.interface.$interface status)"
json_select data
json_get_vars cid_4 pdh_4 cid_6 pdh_6
qmi_wds_stop "$cid_4" "$pdh_4"
qmi_wds_stop "$cid_6" "$pdh_6"
proto_init_update "*" 0
proto_send_update "$interface"
[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
add_protocol qmi