#!/bin/sh die() { echo $1 exit 1 } FRITZBOX='' USER='adam2' PASSWD='adam2' FILE='uboot-fritz4040.bin' ping -q -4 -w 1 -c 1 "$FRITZBOX" &> /dev/null || die "Fritzbox at $FRITZBOX is not reachable. aborting" cat << EOS This will take ages (2 minutes)! If you want a status bar: Attach a serial to the device and look there. Note: If this fails, you need to use AVM\' recover utility to get your box back. However this step should not damage your box.... Also it doesn't terminate.. :/ (Note: Make sure that you connected the router on the yellow LAN ports and not the blue WAN). EOS ftp -n -4 "$FRITZBOX" << END_SCRIPT quote USER $USER quote PASS $PASSWD quote MEDIA FLSH binary passive put $FILE mtd1 quote check mtd1 bye END_SCRIPT exit 0