You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
3.7 KiB

. /etc/
. /usr/share/libubox/
local iface="$1"
local ipaddr="$2"
local prefix="$3"
local idx=1
local tmp="$(ubus call network.interface."$iface" status 2>/dev/null)"
json_load "${tmp:-{}}"
json_get_type tmp address
if [ "$tmp" = array ]; then
json_select address
while true; do
json_get_type tmp $idx
[ "$tmp" = object ] || break
json_select $((idx++))
json_get_var tmp address
case "$tmp" in
*:*) json_select .. ;;
[ -n "$ipaddr" ] && json_get_var $ipaddr address
[ -n "$prefix" ] && json_get_var $prefix mask
return 0
return 1
if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then
local wanip
find_iface_address wan wanip
[ -n "$wanip" ] || return
iptables -t nat -F nat_reflection_in 2>/dev/null || {
iptables -t nat -N nat_reflection_in
iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -j nat_reflection_in
iptables -t nat -F nat_reflection_out 2>/dev/null || {
iptables -t nat -N nat_reflection_out
iptables -t nat -A postrouting_rule -j nat_reflection_out
iptables -t filter -F nat_reflection_fwd 2>/dev/null || {
iptables -t filter -N nat_reflection_fwd
iptables -t filter -A forwarding_rule -j nat_reflection_fwd
find_networks() {
find_networks_cb() {
local cfg="$1"
local zone="$2"
local name
config_get name "$cfg" name
[ "$name" = "$zone" ] && {
local network
config_get network "$cfg" network
echo ${network:-$zone}
return 1
config_foreach find_networks_cb zone "$1"
setup_fwd() {
local cfg="$1"
local reflection
config_get_bool reflection "$cfg" reflection 1
[ "$reflection" == 1 ] || return
local src
config_get src "$cfg" src
local target
config_get target "$cfg" target DNAT
[ "$src" = wan ] && [ "$target" = DNAT ] && {
local dest
config_get dest "$cfg" dest "lan"
[ "$dest" != "*" ] || return
local net
for net in $(find_networks "$dest"); do
local lanip lanmk
find_iface_address "$net" lanip lanmk
[ -n "$lanip" ] || return
local proto
config_get proto "$cfg" proto
local epmin epmax extport
config_get extport "$cfg" src_dport
[ -n "$extport" ] || return
epmin="${extport%[-:]*}"; epmax="${extport#*[-:]}"
[ "${epmin#!}" != "$epmax" ] || epmax=""
local ipmin ipmax intport
config_get intport "$cfg" dest_port "$extport"
ipmin="${intport%[-:]*}"; ipmax="${intport#*[-:]}"
[ "${ipmin#!}" != "$ipmax" ] || ipmax=""
local exthost
config_get exthost "$cfg" src_dip "$wanip"
local inthost
config_get inthost "$cfg" dest_ip
[ -n "$inthost" ] || return
[ "$proto" = tcpudp ] && proto="tcp udp"
[ "${inthost#!}" = "$inthost" ] || return 0
[ "${exthost#!}" = "$exthost" ] || return 0
[ "${epmin#!}" != "$epmin" ] && \
extport="! --dport ${epmin#!}${epmax:+:$epmax}" || \
extport="--dport $epmin${epmax:+:$epmax}"
[ "${ipmin#!}" != "$ipmin" ] && \
intport="! --dport ${ipmin#!}${ipmax:+:$ipmax}" || \
intport="--dport $ipmin${ipmax:+:$ipmax}"
local p
for p in ${proto:-tcp udp}; do
case "$p" in
iptables -t nat -A nat_reflection_in \
-s $lanip/$lanmk -d $exthost \
-p $p $extport \
-j DNAT --to $inthost:${ipmin#!}${ipmax:+-$ipmax}
iptables -t nat -A nat_reflection_out \
-s $lanip/$lanmk -d $inthost \
-p $p $intport \
-j SNAT --to-source $lanip
iptables -t filter -A nat_reflection_fwd \
-s $lanip/$lanmk -d $inthost \
-p $p $intport \
config_load firewall
config_foreach setup_fwd redirect