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56 lines
961 B

set com 115200n81
set comecho off
set senddelay 0.05
waitquiet 1 0.2
if $env("USE_AUTH") = "0" goto connect
send "AT$QCPDPP=3,"
send $env("USE_AUTH")
send ",\""
if $env("USE_USER") <> "" send $env("USE_USER")
send "\",\""
if $env("USE_PASS") <> "" send $env("USE_PASS")
send "\"^m"
waitfor 5 "OK"
if % = 0 goto connect
print "WWAN error. Auth failed.\r\n"
exit 1
send "AT+CFUN=1^m"
send "AT+CGDCONT=3,\"IP\",\""
send $env("USE_APN")
send "\"^m"
waitfor 5 "OK"
if % = 0 goto connok
print "WWAN error. Connection failed.\r\n"
exit 1
let c=1
sleep 2
send "AT+CGATT?^m"
waitfor 5 "+CGATT: 1"
if % = 0 goto carrierok
if c > 10 goto carriererr
inc c
goto loop
print "WWAN error. No carrier.\r\n"
exit 1
send "AT!SCACT=1,3^m"
waitfor 5 "OK"
if % = 0 goto dialok
print "WWAN error. Dialing failed.\r\n"
exit 1
print "WWAN connection established.\r\n"
exit 0