basesystem-minimal basesystem bash console-gentoo-style distro-release dnf dnfdragora-gtk systemd initscripts ima-evm-utils ima-inspect termcap ncurses dhcp-client libressl libreoffice locales locales-en locales-ru # Added major european locales, requested by @GvM ( locales-it locales-de locales-fr locales-tr locales-pl gdm git-core htop hw-probe # KDE stuff (ksialog), but we already have kdenlive, kolourpaint hw-probe-gui iputils iproute2 nano squashfs-tools tar timezone passwd task-kernel task-x11 task-printing task-scanning pulseaudio screen #sddm xterm dbus-x11 mc ncdu openssh openssh-server openssh-clients rsync rpcbind spice-vdagent qemu-guest-agent strace thunderbird-78 thunderbird-78-ru networkmanager # NM GUI networkmanager-applet networkmanager-pptp networkmanager-vpnc networkmanager-l2tp networkmanager-openvpn btrfs-progs dosfstools e2fsprogs exfat-utils f2fs-tools xfsprogs gparted ntfs-3g xfsprogs sudo task-xfce task-xfce-plugins tree quota udisks2 virtualbox-guest-additions vim wsdd bluez blueman chromium-browser-stable gimp simple-scan kazam # Anaconda installer, metapackage anaconda anaconda-rosa-xfce-config-scripts # anaconda configures chrony, # avoid removing it with anaconda as an orphaned package chrony # rosa-repos are deps of task-anaconda, # but they have to be installed explicitly # to allow to remove anaconda rosa-repos rosa-repos-contrib rosa-repos-keys rosa-repos-pkgprefs # Bootloaders dracut grub2 grub2-efi grub2-theme-rosa shim syslinux # plymouth themes Rosa-theme-EE #Rosa-theme-enterprise-EE # graphical stuff plymouth gnome-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme rosa-elementary-theme rosa-icons Rosa-theme-common Rosa-theme-EE Rosa-theme-EE-screensaver # useful for schools and life in general kolourpaint # editing videos is a common task for workstations (both school and office) kdenlive # Text recognition (not Finereader, but may be useful) # tesseract-rus should be pulled automatically gimagereader-gtk # TZ alarm-clock-applet runner-gui # TODO: add entry to xfce4 settings grub-customizer file-roller ksystemlog # TODO: add gigolo to task-xfce gigolo # TODO: fix translation onboard # TODO: to task package? cifs-utils nfs-utils # вложенные сессии x11-server-xephyr # TODO: add to some task package? (unar or unrar) p7zip # TODO: explorer catfish search backends, integration with Thunar catfish rosa-users-quota rosa-kiosk-gui #userdrake